
Richard Aldington
H.E. Bates
Edmund Blunden
Elizabeth Bowen
Jocelyn Brooke
Winston Churchill
Alfred Cohen
Noel Coward
Edith Craig
T.S. Eliot
U.A. Fanthorpe
John Ferguson
Ian Fleming
Ford Madox Ford
E.M. Forster
R. Austin Freeman
Cicely Hamilton
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Victoria Holt
M.R. James
Walter James, the fourth Lord Northbourne
Derek Jarman
Amy Johnson
Mary Kelly
D.H. Lawrence
Somerset Maugham
Donald Maxwell
Paul Nash
S.C. Nethersole
Daphne Oram
Baroness Orczy
Wilfred Owen
Marian Fielding Peck
Mary L. Pendered
William Pett Ridge
Bertha Porter
Diana & Tony Powell-Cotton
J.G. Sarasin
Christopher St John
Vita Sackville-West
Siegfried Sassoon
Julian Symons
Ellen Terry
Mary Tourtel
Elizabeth Von Arnim
Gladys Waterer
H.G. Wells
S.E. Winbolt
Pamela Wynne


Folkestone and World War One
Richborough: The Secret Port
The Secret War Tunnels of Dover Castle


Belgian Refugees
Doodlebugs in Kent
Ellen Terry’s funeral
Hop Picking and the Literary Imagination
The Great Storm of 1987
Kent Coal Mining


Rupert Bear by Mary Tourtel
Shepherds in Sackcloth by Sheila Kaye-Smith
Double Double by John Brunner